Hi, I’m Susan, and I’m a 50 year old grandmother!
Here’s how a weird device helped me walk again and most
importantly, I’m able to play with my grandchild!
I’d like to share my own story because I know it will resonate
with you… just read it all the way to the end.
My whole world came crashing down around me when I realized I couldn’t walk
for more than a couple minutes.
I felt:
ï‚· Frustrated
ï‚· Helpless
ï‚· Miserable
And even embarrassed that I couldn’t help my daughter with my grandson.
I used to be an active person my whole life but two years ago all my joints started
hurting, especially my knees.
You see, I suffer from Arthritis, and at the beginning it wasn’t that bad.
When my knees started hurting, I simply blamed the weather, or my age… or
whatever else.
I thought it was normal to have problems with your joints at this age.
The worst part was, I couldn’t spend quality time with my grandson.
He’s such an adorable, energetic child… unfortunately grandma could not
play with him.
I was missing out on my grandson’s childhood.
I started missing out of family events because of my bad knee. The overall quality
of my life was deteriorating… and quite fast.
Each area of my life was affected because of my bad knee.
– I couldn’t go for walks with my husband, something we loved doing.
– Playing with Joey? Out of question!
– Spending time with family? No!
– Even small tasks around the house were impossible
I knew I had something to
do, so I started browsing
the internet.
I searched for days… to the
point when I almost gave
All I found was quick-fixes! All sorts of exercises, which were impossible for me
to do, Or different types of lotions that would cure my bad knee only for a
couple minutes or hours.
It was either cheap quick-fixes or expensive surgeries.
The thing with the quick-fixes was the they were only solving the problem at the
surface, while the pain was inches deep.
I was on the verge of giving up when…
… An ad popped up.
I hate ads, but this was interesting and it didn’t promised anything miraculous.
It was this weird device that was using Red Light Therapy, basically a deep healing
therapy to heal your deep tissues and injured cells.
I started reading reviews on forums about it and I was quite intrigued with what I
The devices wasn’t only good for Arthritis, in fact it was used for many other
health issues like:
ï‚· Joint pain
ï‚· Inflammation and swelling
ï‚· Nerve pain & neuropathy
ï‚· Improved skin conditions
ï‚· Faster healing after surgery
ï‚· Muscle recovery
 And many more…
I was even more intrigued when I read it was also FDA approved.
As a continued reading it also seemed like pretty easy-to-use, a 5-10 minutes
massage a day for 4 weeks and the pain goes away.
Without hesitation, I ordered my Novaa Light Pro device and waited…
Not for too long because it arrived in a couple days and I was about to try it for
the first time!
I put it on my knee that night for a couple minutes as instructed.
I repeated the same procedure for 4 weeks… but results started disappearing from
the first 3-4 days.
The pain in my knee started fading away gradually day after day.
After 4 weeks there was no more pain! I called my husband and I couldn’t stop
crying. I was so happy that I found a way to fix my knee
And an easy way to do it!
I felt like I was 20 again!
I can again enjoy walk with my husband and spend time with Joey.
If you’re a person who’s struggling with
ï‚· Knee, hands and hip pain,
ï‚· Arthritis
ï‚· Inflammation and nerve pain,
ï‚· Or even skin conditions or bad blood circulation,
then you should try Novaa Light Pro. Avoid postponing your health because it
won’t get better.
Unlike other devices or solutions, Novaa Light Pro, reaches 2 inches deep into the
tissues in order to effectively heal damaged cells. Like I said, it’s not a quick-fix,
it’s a long term treatment that will FOREVER change your life!
Take action as soon as today and check out how Novaa Light Pro can help you!
I really hope that it has even a fraction of the impact on your life that is has had
on mine because what you’re about to learn has forever changed my life.
– Sue